Padre Alex © is not only available in case of an UN-mission, but also in the "net". I want to provide you good orientation for your faith and for your life, to strengthen both. If you have useful ideas, questions or what ever you want, you can send me those immediately by eMail or by "Formular" (without a mail program and with the possibility of encryption) - these things will be read only by the Padre, by Father Dr. iur. can. Alexander Pytlik! You can also use my public keys for GNuPG or PGP.
Benedict XVI offered Hope and Peace for the Lebanon!
Copyright: all of the documents in this www-server of the "Padre" are under his copyright, they may be reproduced for personal use (non-profit purposes in the sense of catholic apostolate or scientific work), excluded all pictures and photographs, protected by international copyright conventions. In the case of public distribution in- or outside the "internet" is requested only a direct sign of origin, what should be the address in the "net": A direct link would be appreciated. If you wish to use a document for your scientific work, there has to be always a clear and detailed information of origin, which should be similar to the following example: Pytlik A., Title of the whole work / document, the ........ (date) in the internet / URL A commercial utilization or a change of the documents in the distribution cannot be made without the personal consent of the "Padre" (= Father Alexander Pytlik, Mag. theol., Mag. theol., Dr. iur. can.). The "Padre" does not take any responsibility for the pages of the links you will find or for the messages in the guestbook.
Questions can be sent to or by "Formular". All mails, really arrived will be read personally and only by the "Padre", who cannot guarantee always an immediate response because of some new missions he has to fulfill. Very urgent requests can be sent to the guestbook arriving immediately as SMS (short messages) at the mobile phone of the "Padre" (without technical guarantee). Who does not have enough confidence in using the "internet" for his questions and other things, can also use the public keys for GNuPG or PGP.
The information which can be accessed in this server ( consists in the major part of documents, which were worked out or discovered personally by the "Padre" in the few years of his duty experience (Roman-catholic priest of the latin rite since June 12th, 1994). In the area of faith and moral, these documents should follow the teaching of the Roman-catholic Church, which the "Padre" has personally acknowledged as truth and which can be found most easily in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For new internet projects, which are based on the catholic faith or on the natural : law, you can ask the "Padre" for the following domains: and
Last modification:05.05.13 , mistakes cannot be excluded.
And what does this symbol mean?
"Please call a catholic priest in case of an accident!"
Five Steps for a Good Confession!
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